Original Research Articles
28. Hayashi, S., Nakajima, Y., Tanaka, Y., Breeden B.T. III, Kanazawa, Y., and Tsogtbaatar, C., in press. A hadrosauroid vertebra from the Upper Cretaceous Izumi Group, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. Paleontological Research, in press.
27. Zakharov, Y.D., , Nakajima, Y., Arkhangelsky, M. S., Popov, A. M., Bondarenko, L. G., Pokrovsky, V. K., in press. New findings of Triassic marine vertebrates in Eastern Russia: ammonoid age control and evidence for ichthyopterygian affinities. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, in press.
26. Nakajima, Y., Mikami, T., and Izumi, K., 2024. A preliminary report on the osseous fragments associated with the “Paleoparadoxiid Mizunami-Kamado specimen”. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum 50(3), 51-57. (in Japanese with English abstract)
25. Li, Q., Liu, J., Klein, N., Nakajima, Y., Sander, P. M., 2023. Puberty in a Mesozoic reptile. Current Biology 33, 011-3016.e3. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2023.05.073
24. Ishida, Y., Tagiri, M., Kato, T., Tsunoda, S., Nakajima, Y., Thuy, B., Numberger-Thuy L. D., and Fujita, T., 2023. The new brittle-star species Stegophiura takaisoensis (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea) from the Pliocene of Ibaraki Prefecture, central Japan. Paleontological Research 28(1); 82-96
23. Kato, T., Masukawa, G., Niiyama, S., Nakajima, Y., Sonoda, T., and Ando, H., 2022. Redescription of Trionychid Costals from the Upper Cretaceous Nakaminato Group: Comparison with the Giant Trionychids from North America and Central Asia. Bulletin of Ibaraki Nature Museum 25:1-11 (in Japanese)
22. Nakajima, Y., Shigeta, Y., Houssaye, A., Zakharov, Y. D., Popov, A. M., Sander, P. M., 2022. Early Triassic ichthyopterygian fossils from the Russian Far East. Scientific Reports 12, 5546
21. Miyata, S., Yabumoto, Y., Nakajima, Y., Ito, Y. and Sasaki, T., 2022. A second specimen of the crossognathiform fish Apsopelix miyazakii from the Cretaceous Yezo Group of Mikasa area, central Hokkaido, Japan. Paleontological Research 26: 213-223.
20. Kanno, S., Tokumaru, S., Nakagaki, S., Nakajima, Y., Misaki, A., Hikida, Y., & Sato, T., 2022. Santonian-Campanian neoselachian faunas of the Upper Cretaceous Yezo Group in Nakagawa Town, Hokkaido, Japan. Cretaceous Research, 105139. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2022.105139
19. Kato, T., Nakajima, Y., Shiseki, K. and Ando, H., 2021. Advanced mosasaurs from the Upper Cretaceous Nakaminato Group in Japan. Island Arc 30.1: e12431. https://doi.org/10.1111/iar.12431
18. Nakajima, Y., Miyake, Y., Tanaka, T. and Kohno, N. 2021. Bone remains from Permian limestone in Mino Belt of Nyūkawa Town, Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Fossil, 109: 1-2. (in Japanese)
17. Kato, T., Sonoda, T., Nakajima, Y. and Ando, H., 2020. Taxonomical reexamination of the “pterosaur” (Hitachinaka-ryu) specimen from the Upper Cretaceous Nakaminato Group. Bulletin of Ibaraki Nature Museum 23:43-50 (in Japanese)
16. Miyata, S., Hirayama, R., Nakajima, Y., Maekawa, Y., Okura, M., Sasaki, T., 2019. A preliminary report of elasmobranch fossils from the Upper Cretaceous Tamagawa Formation(Turonian-Santonian/Coniasian), Kuji Group, Iwate Prefecture, Northeast Japan. Journal of Fossil Research, Vol. 51, 68-75 (in Japanese with English abstract).
15. Houssaye, A., Sander, P. M., Nakajima, Y., 2018. Structural, functional, and physiological signals in ichthyosaur vertebral centrum microanatomy and histology. Geodiversitas 42(2), 161-170.
14. Wintrich, T., Hayashi, S., Houssaye, A., Nakajima, Y., Sander, P. M., 2017. A Triassic plesiosaurian skeleton and bone histology inform on evolution of a unique body plan. Science Advances 3(12), e1701144
12. Vitek, N., Danilov, I. G., Nakajima, Y. and Hirayama, R. 2017. Redescription of the skull of ‘Trionyx’ kyrgyzensis and improved phylogenetic taxon sampling of Cretaceous and Paleogene soft-shelled turtles (Trionychidae) of Asia, including the oldest crown trionychids. Journal of Systematic Paleontology 16, p. 199–211.
11. Nakajima, Y., 2017. Turtle bone histology illuminate a new perspective on paleoecological reconstruction. Journal of Fossil Research, 50, p. 22–27 (in Japanese).
10. Kanno, S., Nakajima, Y., Hikida, Y. and Sato, T., 2017. Sphenodus (Chondrichthyes, Neoselachii) from the Upper Cretaceous in Nakagawa Town, Hokkaido, Japan. Paleontological Research, in press.
9. Shigeta, Y. and Nakajima, Y., 2017. Discovery of the early Spathian (late Olenekian, Early Triassic) ammonoid Tirolites in the Hiraiso Formation, South Kitakami, Northeast Japan. Paleontological Research 21, p. 37–43.
8. Nakajima, Y., Hirayama, R. and Endo, H. 2014. Turtle humeral microanatomy and its relationship to lifestyle. Biological Journal of Linnean Society, 113, p. 719–734.
7. Nakajima, Y., Houssaye, A. and Endo, H. 2014. Osteohistology of the ichthyopterygian reptile Utatsusaurus hataii: Implications for early ichthyosaur biology. Acta Paleontologica Polonica 59, p. 343–352.
6. Takahashi Y., Nakajima Y. and Sato, T. 2014. A new Early Triassic ichthyopterygian fossil from the Osawa Formation in Minamisanriku Town, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. Paleontological Research 18, p. 258–262.
5. Nakajima, Y. and Izumi, K., 2014. Coprolites from the upper Osawa Formation (upper Spathian), northeastern Japan: Evidence for predation in a marine ecosystem 5 Myr after the end-Permian mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 414, p. 225–232.
4. Hayashi, S., Houssaye, A., Nakajima, Y., Chiba, K., Ando, T., et al., 2013, Bone inner structure suggests increasing aquatic adaptations in Desmostylia (Mammalia, Afrotheria). PLoS ONE vol. 8: e59146. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059146
3. Nakajima, Y. and Endo, H., 2013. Comparative humeral microanatomy of terrestrial, semiaquatic, and aquatic carnivorans using micro-focus CT scan. Mammal Study 38, p. 1–8.(Mammal Study Award)Nakajima, Y. and Schoch, R. R., 2011. The first temnospondyl amphibian from Japan. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 31, p. 1154–1157.
2. Nakajima, Y. and Schoch, R. R., 2011. The first temnospondyl amphibian from Japan. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 31, p. 1154–1157.
1. Nakajima, Y., Sakurai, K. and Hirayama, R. 2011. Turtle fossils from Hobetsu Museum. The Bulletin of the Hobetsu Museum 26, p. 1–34 (in Japanese).
Conference Abstracts
under preparation